Saturday, July 22, 2006

Just Say No To Pixelization!

(From IMDB)

There's a new PBS policy that requires not only that language that could result in an FCC fine be bleeped, but that if the words can be recognized "from the speaker's mouth, the lips must be pixelated."

We headlined the item, "Now Censorship For Deaf People."

We subsequently received the following email from
MARLEE MATLIN, Hollywood's most celebrated deaf actress (winner of the 1987 Best Actress OSCAR for CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD.

"All I can say is I've been reading the lips of bleeped-out words, angry baseball players, and stoned-out rock stars on awards shows for years and it's been HILARIOUS. Everyone is always asking me what the bleeped-out parts are saying. Just say no to pixelization! Hehe."

Kraig Bailey, thanks for the post.

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