Monday, February 05, 2007

Churches Find No Sanctuary From NFL's Big-Screen TV Rule

(From The Los Angeles Times -- By Stephanie Simon)

They were expecting a big crowd today at FARMLAND FRIENDS CHURCH in rural Indiana.

The sanctuary would be decked in blue and white streamers,
the card tables groaning with SLOPPY JOE fixings and bowls
of chips.

Best of all, the pews would be packed with scores of the faithful -- men, women and children, shoulder to shoulder, hooting at a jumbo screen as their beloved Indianapolis Colts coasted (God willing) to victory over the Chicago Bears in

It was to have been a wholesome evening of fellowship and football.

And it would have been illegal.

A copyright law that bars games from being shown on large screens in most public venues forced churches to cancel Super Bowl parties.

Churches Find No Sanctuary From NFL's Big-Screen TV Rule

John Santamaria, thanks for the post.

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