Sunday, September 03, 2006


(From The Avid|DS Google User's Group)

I was introduced to PETALS AROUND THE ROSE by
DR. RICHARD DUKE at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Duke used to begin each of his gaming/simulation courses with this exercise.

While some students would solve the problem right away, others would struggle all semester.

It had taken Dr. Duke well over a year himself, and he would always explain that the smarter you were, the longer it took to figure it out.

The game is quite simple. Only a basic understanding of math is required and an open and creative mind.

The game can be used as an example of how different people look at the world differently, and how these different ways of looking can yield different answers.

In PETALS AROUND THE ROSE there is always ONE correct answer.

The problem is how we define the PROBLEM.

Can you figure out this game?

Petals Around The Rose

[Don't feel bad. I know someone who is still trying to figure it out and he started yesterday around noon.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn that was simple, I got it correct on my first answer.

"It had taken Dr. Duke well over a year himself, and he would always explain that the smarter you were, the longer it took to figure it out."

Of course does that just mean that I am not very smart. ;-(