Sunday, September 03, 2006

Non-Linear Edit Systems -- The Survey

(From The Avid Yahoo User's Group)

Here are the final results of a non-linear editing system survey done by in August 2006.

Which non-linear editor do you prefer to use the most?

1. Apple Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express (36.27%)
2. Avid Non-Linear Editing Systems (31.96%)
3. Sony Vegas (14.12%)
4. Adobe Premiere Pro (13.73%)
5. Media 100 (3.92%)

Given the number of respondents (510 people), the survey results are believed to be accurate within +/-4%.

That means FINAL CUT PRO's lead was slim, but it still took the top spot.

Thanks to all for casting a vote and having your voice or
click heard.

[What were the demographics of the quiz? Kids with free FCP
that they "borrowed" from their friends and think that
WALTER MURCH actually cut COLD MOUNTAIN all by his little self on his little Mac at home; or professional post production people who know what NITRIS is, for example?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the author of the survey... I find your views offensive.

I advertised the survey at Creative Cow and DV Forums.

I am the author of Photoshop for Video, Final Cut Help, Broadcast Graphics on the Spot, After Effects on the Spot and many others.

I am also certified in FCP, Avid, and Adobe apps. I ran the survey to get an idea about my readers.

If you'd look at the content of my sites or my training, I think you'd see its for pro level.