Friday, September 02, 2005

Former LSU Student Disses NEW ORLEANS


It's an odd sensation to be an expatriot LOUISIANA native, and to watch a big portion of your home state fall apart from over 1,000 miles away.

As an LSU undergrad, I spent a few weekends in NEW ORLEANS here and there, and I even went to MARDI GRAS a couple of times. But after passing my mid-twenties I pretty much lost all interest in what is (was?) one of the dirtiest, most corrupt, most poverty-stricken, and most distinctively non-American of America's big cities.

Check out the full article to get this former LSU student's full opinion as he further disses New Orleans.

Be sure to check out the PHOTO LINK mentioned in the fourth paragraph.

Bill Smallfield, thanks for the post.

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