Monday, March 20, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Men Don't Ask For Directions

(From The Hartford Courant)

10. Men possess a genetic GPS system.

09. No matter where men are, even if they have never been there before, something always looks familiar.

08. Men believe the fastest way to get anywhere if to drive around.

07. Men believe the shortest distance between two points is a circle.

06. Asking for directions requires allowing someone else to talk.

05. Not wanting to ask another guy for directions is a guy thing.

04. Not wanting to ask a woman for directions is a size thing.

03. Did LEWIS AND CLARK stop at a CITGO?

02. Because no matter where you go, eventually there you are.

01. Because what's more important, knowing where you are going or making good time?

[Men, just suck it up and purchase a Magellan RoadMate 700 Portable GPS. It retails for $749. It will end your direction discussions with your wife or girlfriend.]

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