Tuesday, February 21, 2006

NEW JERSEY -- Come See For Yourself

(From WeirdNJ.com)

Well folks, the state of New Jersey has a brand new official state slogan, NEW JERSEY: COME SEE FOR YOURSELF.

Come on now, is this for real?

This babble has NOTHING to do with the people who reside here.

Tourism in New Jersey is a $32 billion industry, and probably most of that money comes from New Jerseyans themselves, who travel to the shores, mountains and lakes every summer. So why not have a state slogan that appeals to all of us that live and breathe New Jersey -- not to someone who might be passing through.

NJ has always been the butt of jokes, but you know what?
We can take it. No other state can stand up to us, baby!
Got a problem with that?

Go to WeirdNJ.com and you'll see the pride beneath the puns, and what some people think New Jersey is all about.

In the spirit of former Governor Richard Codey, we're leaving the choice of the official Weird New Jersey slogan up to you, the people. We've taken the best of the slogans you've sent us and posted them on our message board. You'll see five different topics (corruption, pollution, pride, traffic, and general weirdness) containing five different slogans each from which you can choose.

You must be a registered member to vote.

It's all free, it's all fair and it's all New Jersey.

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