Monday, February 20, 2006

Everyone Loves GREY'S ANATOMY

Everyone's loving GREY'S ANATOMY.

Even our buddy KRAIG.
[And he's a critical TV viewer.]

Below is his take on last night's episode.

Another great GREY'S. We went from two weeks of tension and high drama to the release (pun intended) of humor and romance.

There's a lot of similarities between GREY'S and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. The writing and acting on both shows is superb. They both can change emotions on a dime and those transitions work.

JOSS WHEDON is a master of having you laughing one second and screaming or crying in the next. I have no explanation of how he does it except that he's a genius.

Tonight's GREY'S made me think a lot about BUFFY.

The script was great but it was the performances that sold it.

What did you think of last night's episode?
Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.

Kraig Bailey, thanks for the post.

[Kraig's been trying to get me to watch BTVS for years now. Kraig, I'm hooked on GREY'S, isn't that enough?]

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