Thursday, September 29, 2005

Is HDV The Same As Real HD?

(From The Yahoo Avid User's Group)

I think HDV might be a good choice for SD finish, but it's pretty weak compared to "real" HD, such as HDCam or DVCPro HD.

How did you get HDV ("Mid-Def") into DS? If I presume you used some bridge tool, was there RS422 support? I know of no such tools that work reliably with DS' transport control.

Setting aside workflow considerations, I agree about the quality of HDV vis a vis HDCam. Unfortunately, many people feel HDV is good enough.

The real question might be, is it good enough for broadcast (after mastering to a proper HD format of course). We are awaiting approval from a network right now, but I wonder if other folks have gotten through network quality control (QC) with
HDV-acquired footage?

However, this is what I used to say about DVCam. You would be amazed at how many shows are now originated in regular (SD) DV.

If you don't believe that a huge chunk of HD programming will be originated on the HDV format, then you don't believe history repeats itself.

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