Saturday, October 14, 2006

Job Blues -- Are You Burned Out Or Bored?

(From The Newark Star Ledger -- By Dr. Joyce Brothers)

Lots of people go around saying they hate their job, or that they are terminally bored.

But for many, job burnout is a serious issue that can lead to depression and loss of work and income.

How well do you know the warning signs of job burnout,
and what can be done about it?

Take this quiz and find out.

1. There's no real difference between just being bored at work and suffering from job burnout. Burnout is nothing more than a whole string of boring days.

2. Boredom on the job is a result of the work not meeting your real needs.

3. Although burnout has emotional roots, it can be identified through physical symptoms.

4. People who are perfectionists are likely to be better able to avoid burnout.

5. Those in service professions are especially at risk for job burnout.

6. Since burnout is mostly in the mind, physical methods to avoid or lessen the symptoms can't have much long-term effect.

7. For some people, a vacation is the worst way to treat job burnout.

1. False. Boredom strikes most workers every so often, especially if their job is repetitive or they have been at the same workplace for a long time and rarely have new experiences and challenges coming into their lives. Burnout is an entirely different thing. It can strike someone who does a different task every single day, or who has been on the job a few years or even a few months.

2. True. The crucial aspect seprating boredom from job burnout is having a job that does not fit the image you have of yourself or use the skills and abilities that make working feel worthwhile. The person who says of his job, "I can't believe they pay me to do this!" might occassionally face a boring day, but that worker is unlikely to become burned out.

3. True. Most people who are in the grip of job burnout have one or more symptoms that just don't go away. Depression, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, headaches, memory problems and inability to concentrate are all possible markers of burnout.

4. False. Perfectionists are actually more likely to be susceptible to job burnout than people with less lofty expectations of themselves. The inability to attain goals is very stress-provoking. Perfectionists are not able to settle for a job well done, but keep pushing themselves harder and harder until burnout is almost inevitable.

5. True. Service professions attract people who typically are able to put other people's needs ahead of their own. As the client's needs begin to outstrip the ability of the caregiver or teacher or customer-service rep to meet them, burnout is likely to develop. Signs are an increasing resentment of what is asked of the worker, plus a cynical or uncaring attitude that is not characteristic or the service worker's normal personality or ethic.

6. False. Physical exertion is one of the best ways to head off or save oneself from the ravages of burnout, which can include high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. The golden triumvirate of good diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep will be necessary for attacking the problem.

7. True. Strange, but true. If you are the kind of person who can't delegate, you will probably be too paranoid about losing your job or falling further behind to take a truly restful vacation. The work either goes along with you on vacation (via cell phone, email, etc.), or else you indeed slip further behind because once out of the office, you can't bear to think about the job, and going back will probably mean that someone else has taken up the slack and you'll be even more likely to lose your job. If this sounds like you, see a career counselor instead, and save the travel catalogs for the interlude between your awful job and a great new one.

If you were able to answer five of the seven questions correctly, you are aware of the nature of burnout, and can work to avoid it.

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