Monday, September 18, 2006

Actress Doesn't Go For Pretty Boys

(From Tribune Media Services -- By Kristi Elliott)

Actress KEIRA KNIGHTLEY tells INSTYLE MAGAZINE even though she'd have a Brit bloke over an American any day,
she has a soft spot for her PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN co-star JOHNNY DEPP, who she says, is a good kisser.

So why are the rest of American men such losers?

"Ask an American guy what his beauty regime is, and he'll tell you. As a Brit, and he'll say, 'Er...GUINNESS?' I like that."

[F-ing Brits. We still love you Keira.]


Anonymous said...

I think a lot of it has to do with where you're from. If asked what men I prefer, I'd, of course, answer American men - it's where I'm from and they're who I know.

It's funny, most actresses would have given a pc sort of answer, but Keira is so refreshingly Keira, she just let it fly.

Love that!

Anonymous said...

Keira, my beauty regimen is Gunness too! - Scotty O'

RLabay said...

Exactly Joi. That's why we really love Keira -- she's just herself and seems "normal."

So Joi? Are you single? ;)
