Sunday, July 30, 2006

Guitar Tales

(From The Avid Yahoo User's Group -- By George Missor)

A guitarist I know from the heavy metal band ARMORED SAINT toured with METALLICA. He now works at HOME DEPOT.


This reminds me of a funny story of when, in another life, I was a guitarist in San Diego.

A buddy of mine went into a music store (mind you, it's the 90s) in Clairmont that will remain nameless -- GUITAR TRADER.

He picks out a Jackson and starts playing a RATT song
(I don't know which one).

One of the salesmen walks up to him and said,
"Hey man, you're playing that all wrong."

With that, he takes the guitar and demonstrates the proper way.

My friend said, "Wow, that's pretty good."

The salesman said, "It should be, I wrote it."


As much as I loved GEORGE LYNCH and STEVE VAI,
the 80s are long gone.

[Agreed, good metal is hard to find today.]

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