Wednesday, January 18, 2006

BETTIS Fumble Was Nearly A Killer For Fan

(From The Associated Press)

Talk about a heart-stopping game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Indianapolis Colts.

TERRY O'NEILL, 50, of Pittsburgh, was watching the game at a bar and had a heart attack seconds after JEROME BETTIS fumbled trying to score from the 2-yard line late in the fourth quarter.

Quarterback BEN ROETHLISBERGER prevented the Colts'
NICK HARPER from returning the recovered ball for a touchdown and the Steelers hung on for a 21-18 win.

O'Neill said Bettis is his hero.

"I wasn't upset that the Steelers might lose," he told
I didn't want to see him end his career like that. A guy like that deserves better. I guess it was a little too much for me to handle."

O'Neill, who was recovering at a hospital, credits two firefighters with saving him.

"The Steelers won the game and I'm still alive, so I guess I'm doing pretty good," he said.

He'll have a pacemaker implanted to control an irregular heartbeat and he was prescribed medication to deal with the hypertension.

While he would like to go to the bar Sunday for the game against the Denver Broncos to thank the guys who saved him, O'Neill said, "I guess I should probably take it easy and watch the game at home."

Scott O'Leary, thanks for the post.

[Go Steelers!]

1 comment:

C-mo said...

I have a link on my blog about this heart attack victim, and the story includes a link to the local television stations bedside interview of the patient. Interesting to watch. Go to

then look for the link at the bottom of the story