Thursday, September 01, 2005

More On ESPN Talent

Nick Lachey
Originally uploaded by RLabay.
(From Sports Business Daily/The Orlando Sentinel)

In ORLANDO, MIKE HUGUENIN reports there's a rumor ESPN "plans to use NICK LACHEY -- best-known, probably, for being MR. JESSICA SIMPSON -- on some of its college football coverage this fall." Most probably, it will be on the net's COLLEGE GAMEDAY pregame show.

ESPN has also assigned reporter SHELLEY SMITH to cover full-time USC's bid for a third consecutive college football NATIONAL TITLE.

[This is ESPN's "jumping the shark" moment. Remember this date. Wouldn't JESSICA SIMPSON be a better fit and ratings bolster for ESPN's 18-34 target male demographic than B-Lister Lachey?]

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