Saturday, September 03, 2005

ESPN Takes Its Shots For LACHEY Hire

Nick Lachey
Originally uploaded by RLabay.
(From Sports Business Daily)

ESPN has formally announced that NICK LACHEY is joining COLLEGE GAMEDAY as a regular contributor this season, including on-site appearances.

ESPN Senior Vice President and Managing Editor NORBY WILLIAMSON said, "Nick is A HUGE SPORTS FAN and will add a unique perspective to the show."

But in PHILADELPHIA, KEVIN MULLIGAN writes, "Lots of people are 'HUGE SPORTS FANS,' but you don’t see them on TV. Besides, it's been tried before. Can you say DENNIS MILLER?"

In NEW YORK, ANDREW MARCHAND writes, "Nobody wants to see Lachey on GAMEDAY. His biggest qualification is his FAME."

In ST. PETERSBURG, JOHN COTEY -- "Apparently, NICK CARTER and LANCE BASS were too busy for the gig."

In LOS ANGELES, TOM HOFFARTH writes, "Has the network simply run out of HEISMAN-RUNNER UP/BROADCASTING INTERNS who might handle this role with a little more first-hand experience?"

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