Friday, June 24, 2005

CADETS Have To Be Seen To Be Believed

(From -- By Jorge Washington)

An hour before the show in ATLANTA, A CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL was wandering the stands and concession areas in POWDER SPRINGS, GEORGIA.

There was a corps contest underway but...what was this? The young brunette, as I watched from the side, went up to people and politely appeared to be asking questions. "Can you tell me where to find 1313 MOCKINGBIRD LANE. Excuse me, can you tell me the time. I need to be somewhere at 8:54 pm."

She continued through the stands. She seemed lost. Confused. Should I call the police?

I lost site of her and suddenly she was gone. What was going on?

The evening kicked off as corps from across the country came to the gates of McCEATHERN STADIUM here in GEORGIA to perform for a loud and enthusiastic audience.

The temperature was about 90 and it was humid. A tough evening to be in a uniform, or in the stands for that matter.

Different ensembles performed avariety of musical selections -- from COPLAND, to ROCK AND ROLL. The units looked like marching bands, but the precision, the power, and the instrumentation let all know that this was DRUM CORPS! Fast moving, thrilling, loud, and high flying, these corps clearly had some of the best performers I had ever seen on a football field.

Indeed, it was a great evening, and it appeared that many fans had their favorites. What caught my attention, and what has me writing here today, was the corps that believe it or not, had something to do with that CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL.

THE CADETS appeared through the gate in a tight block. Their military uniforms of maroon, gold, and cream, and the confidence of their approach, led me to think something special was in progress.

As I found out, THE CADTES were EIGHT TIME DCI CHAMPIONS. Now I could see. The walk, the approach, the method with which they took to the field -- well, this was the look of a CHAMPION.

What also caught my attention was a door. A door they sat on the field. What was going on? This was not looking to be what I had seen to this point.

It seemed that THE CADETS stayed away from the field for some time. Others came out and warmed up. Not THE CADETS. In fact, as soon as they were announced, they began to move -- and to whistle.

The crowd grew silent. From my movie days, I recognized the theme as that of KILL BILL. Oh -- and THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL from three hours before was in the show! WOW!

It appears that the show is related to, or influenced by THE TWILIGHT ZONE. Music references abound and there is a dark side to all of this.

Our main character seems to be pulled from situation to situation, from dream to dream. Is it real? It is a dream? What is being presented? Or is it possible that we are not to know?

Different themes abound. Water is the clear culprit of the first act. I saw an umbrella, a faucet, a fish, waves and a whirlpool. Visual imagery abounds.

The second act appears to be wrapped around a chess game. The percussionists seem to present a different idea, visually and musically as the horn line soars. The guard work here is fabulous.

This piece can bring even an old codger like me to tears.

Speaking of such, no sooner are the tears dry than a machine shop kicks in. Chains in the pit voiceovers, and some great percussion take up act three. Frankly, the changes here are wild. We go from a machine shop of some kind, to percussion licks, to scat singing, to a full out BROADWAY PRODUCTION. Now, if the intent of the corps is to portray a dream, a dream without logic (like many of my dreams), well, this show tune does it. I saw many turning to each other looking and shaking their heads. What is going on?

Finally, during the strains of ALFRED HITCHCOCK movie music, the story seems to come around. As the corps flies around the field, four girls, all dressed the same, of four clones, look at each other in amazement. This is a bad dream! They run, the music is frantic, and we know closure is near. The drill and the music over the last thirty seconds is out of control. In fact, tonight some members had issue I think finishing. The guard was ragged, and you could almost hear members panting for air.

So how does it end? Well, you have to see this thing. I heard from a staff member that it will end differently every night. How cool is that?

All aside, if you are a CORPS FAN, or a CADETS' FAN, or just a person -- you have to see this show. I sat on the edge of my seat for 12 minutes. I was enthralled and yes, there are things I do not like.

But, there are things I loved.

One more thing -- did I tell you about the double sided uniform?

Oh my. What an idea? What an effect?

The people who put this show together are living in another world. Again, see this show. Really -- if this is coming near you.

See it!

You will love it.

[Now that is GREAT producing! This is the world I came from. If anyone is interested in heading to a CADETS show this summer or FINALS at FOXBORO in August, let me know. THE CADETS show is GRAND!]

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