Friday, January 25, 2008

Pats Fans A Cut Above

(From The Boston Herald -- By Jessica Heslam)

New England Patriots fans are smarter, classier and healthier and own pricier homes than the riff-raff who root for the New York Giants -- and now we've got the research to back it up.

Some 62 percent of Pats fans living in the Boston area earned a bachelor's or post-graduate degree or have some higher-education experience, compared to 59 percent of Giants fans, according to the latest marketing data provided by THE NIELSEN COMPNAY, the TV ratings firm.

Likewise, 72 percent of Pats fans live in homes worth north of $200,000, compared to 63 percent of Giants yahoos, the Nielsen data show.

That's just for starters.

Pats fans consistently show better taste than their Gotham counterparts, according to Nielsen.

Pats Fans A Cut Above

Rob Berman, thanks for the post.

[Leave it to a Boston newspaper to write this. Hey, Pats fans why is your quarterabck hanging out in NYC if Boston is so great? Pats fans are indeed "a cut above."
A cut above what? Even hamburger is a cut above something.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! He is dating a super model! That would be reason enough to get most guys to go to NYC instead of Boston on their day off. Don't you think?