Tuesday, December 04, 2007

ESPN Expands Global Reach With Sports Scores Site

(From The Hollywood Reporter -- By Paul J. Gough)

ESPN will launch itself into an even wider worldwide pool early next year with the start of SCORECENTER.COM, which eventually will provide live scores for 23 sports in 180 countries.

The Bristol, Connecticut-based DISNEY unit has ramped up its international business of late, not only with linear channels but also with key acquisitions like London-based European sports network NASN, online sites for rugby and cricket, and mobile businesses that have gone from five countries last year to 37.

ESPN chief GEORGE BODENHEIMER told investors and analysts at the annual UBS media conference that the goal is to provide live scoring from every significant sport on Earth. That will include football, cricket, baseball and soccer, the latter with live scores from 460 leagues.

ESPN Expands Global Reach With Sports Scores Site

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