Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quote Of The Week -- CAMERA PEOPLE

Good camera people tend to think of their editor while they shoot.


Anonymous said...

Maybe editors should think more of their TD's when deciding upon a piece's intro. (i.e. a fade up from black is murder to a live production)

RLabay said...

No, you TD's still don't get it. Sheesh. You're supposed to dissolve to the tape in black and then play the tape so the viewer gets the impact of the fade up or the hard cut to a shot on the beat that was carefully orchestrated. I've done it a million times as a director myself (in a previous life). In fact, I saw it done TWICE this week correctly on Sunday NFL Countdown. So it CAN be done.

Think of it this way. Editors are artists interested in the visceral images. TD's are just there to keep the car on the road and keep everything functioning correctly as the images fly by with no time to enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Artists? You really bought into the mythos. Maybe 1:42 AM isn't a good time to punch out a rebuttal.

Just like there are "button monkey" TD's; there are "hack-n-slash" editors. (I was a "h-n-s" editor on a Sony RM-440 for awhile in the big house)

There's art (or artistry) in both crafts as there is low-grade work quality in both crafts. Just like there is "flow" in an edited piece, there is "flow" in a live production that a TD has a large participation in.

"Just keeping the car on the road" may be a relevant analogy for disorganized productions, but for the most part, show pacing is a priority for most technical directors.

P.S. ~ College "directing" doesn't count.

{All in fun my good friend, no offense intended}