Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Man In The Beans

Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.

If you find the man between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally.

If you find the man between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein.

If you have not found the man after 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger.

And, yes, the man is really there.


Anonymous said...

I call bullshit. There's nothing there.

Erik K. Paulsen said...

no BS there is really a man's head down in the lower left! I cheated though because I didn't have the patience to look so I asked Rob. Now if I made this picture and I knew Rob would be sending it out, I would have put a naked woman in there not a dude's head!