Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cop Tasers Partner After Soda Fight

(From The Associated Press)

A police officer has been charged with using a Taser on his partner during an argument over whether they should stop for a soft drink.

RONALD DUPUIS, 32, was charged Wednesday with assault and could face up to THREE months in jail if convicted.
The six-year veteran was fired after the November 3rd incident.

Dupuis and partner PREMA GRAHAM began arguing after Dupuis demanded she stop their car at a store so he could buy a soft drink, according to a police report.

The two then struggled over the steering wheel, and Dupuis hit her leg with his department-issued Taser, the report said.
She was not seriously hurt.

Hamtramck police union lawyer EUGENE BOLANOWSKI said he expected Dupuis to hire a private lawyer.

Hamtramck is a city of 23,000 surrounded by Detroit.

Tom Blais, thanks for the post.

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