Sunday, October 02, 2005

TARA-dise Lost

(From The Hartford Courant -- By Pat Seremet)

TARA REID is bordering on a breakdown now that her E! show, TARADISE, has been cancelled and other offers of work have dried up, her friends told THE NEW YORK POST.

The AMERICAN PIE star -- who has fired her publicist and moved back to New York -- had a "complete meltdown" Wednesday during a rambling interview for Chaunce Hayden's STEPPIN' OUT magazine, the POST said.

Reid's voice cracked, and she sounded on edge as she told Hayden:

"How many more years are the media going to pick on me? There's other new, young, bad girls. Move on to someone else!
I need one more great movie role so they say, 'Wow, she can act! She's a great actress.' Then I think they'll leave me alone. If I'm going to try and do something, it has to happen this year. I'm not stupid."

Hollywood insiders say she has gained at least 15 pounds and will have to undertake a fitness regimen before she gets parts. But Reid blames the media.

"I wish they would just tell the truth. I'm not a drunk. I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a drug problem, for sure."

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