Thursday, October 06, 2005

New DISCOVERY Audio Delivery Requirements

(From The Yahoo Avid User's Group)

THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL has settled on new delivery requirements that involve every post house that delivers audio to them to purchase and use a DOLBY LM100 BROADCAST LOUDNESS METER, $3,200.
Dolby LM100 Broadcast Loudness Meter

This box analyzes the mix and gives the perceived loudness of the dialogue only.
[Something Glenn would love.]

DISCOVERY mandates that this fall between -26 and -28. Not a big range. Doesn't allow for whispering, or two people talking to each other at varying levels, or someone interviewed in front of running machinery.

If you deliver audio to DISCOVERY, this is just a heads up on what's coming your way. Oh the joy!

Did I mention there is about a 10 second lag on the monitoring of this box? This was really designed for QC, not for mixing.

[DISCOVERY tried something like this a few of years ago -- saying everyone had to deliver a 5.1 mix without an increase in the cost per show. Everyone pretty much said F-off. That was that. See, saying "no" does work.]

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