Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Naked Man Found Inside Cash Advance Store

(From The Associated Press)

Police responding to an alarm at a cash advance business say they found a naked man hanging from the ceiling.

An officer answering the alarm noticed tiles, insulation, wires and metal braces hanging from the roof and on the floor of the CHECK 'N GO, Police LT. DANNY WATSON said.

A naked man with scrapes all over his body then dropped from the ceiling and tried to open the front door and leave, according to a police report about the incident early Thursday morning.

"He had a charming story to go along with it though," Watson said. "He said somebody threw his keys on the roof and that's why he was up there. He kind of got a little fuzzy on the 'taking all his clothes off and sliding in the store' part."

Police think 22-year-old MICHAEL GILBERT took off his clothes so he could fit through an air vent on the roof, Watson said.

Gilbert has been charged with burglary. The cash advance business doesn't keep money on the premises, police said.

Scott O'Leary, thanks for the post.

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